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Pink Lady® on a Mission for Biodiversity

Wed Jun 23 2021

Pink Lady Apple Nachos

We have a really great recipe for you to try out with the kids over the summer, our @pinkladyeurope Apple Nachos. These are so easy to make and you can have lots of fun getting the kids involved!

To make Apple Nachos you simply chop the apple into wedges and drizzle with peanut butter, chocolate hazelnut spread, some sprinkles and chopped nuts. The great thing is there are no rules, decorate with your favourite toppings!

Pink Lady® is on a mission to educate and help us discover more about biodiversity and its preservation. Biodiversity is life in all forms notably flora and fauna. We completely rely on it to eat, drink and breathe

Flora and fauna therefore include all the living beings or animals in a given place, that live and interact with each other.

A virtuous circle in which, for example, flowers are foraged by insects, which in turn feed the birds.

Plants make up the flora.. Apple trees and grass can be found in the Pink Lady® orchards for example, but also hedges, dead wood and flower strips that grow around them. These natural places offer food resources but also a safe haven for insects and animals. They are everywhere in the orchards, and make up the fauna. This includes beneficial animals and insects which are useful because they feed on pests, and pests that must be controlled because they can cause damage to the fruit.

Just as in the forest, we can find ladybirds and butterflies, but also birds and small mammals

which eat worms or aphids: valuable allies that help regulate the orchard naturally! This is why growers are keen to maintain a rich and healthy biodiversity in order to protect our future apples.

We recently adopted a tree with Pink Lady®part of the orchard is notably located on the banks of the Aveyron river, a source of water supply which also promotes biodiversity. The orchard is certified “Vergers Ecoresponsables” (sustainable orchards) but also “Haute Valeur Environnementale” (High Environmental Value), which guarantees Pink Lady®’s commitment to produce apples that respect the environment, biodiversity, our health as well as that of all our consumers.

To learn more about Pink Lady®biodiversity initiative click here

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