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The Lunch Rush

Wed Aug 06 2014

Ordering a takeaway or grabbing a hot lunch can be a minefield when you’re trying to stay healthy. Here are some good rules of thumb when you’re trying to  follow a healthy diet.

When ordering your meal, steer clear of carb-heavy choices, and instead load up on fruits and veggies. Remember portion control; one of the biggest issues with fast food outlets is that their portion sizes are much bigger than the recommended. Go for a half portion if you are staying healthy. Remember that there is no harm in asking. Lots of places will amp up the vegetable quota or offer you a healthier version if you ask them

Healthy Takeout Options

Go for noodles with lots of veggies and chicken or fish in a light broth.

Packed with nutrients and healthy ingredients, sushi is a wonderful choice for a lunch on the go. Just go easy on the soy sauce.

Look for homemade patties and ask for a wrap instead of a burger bun. Load up on salad and skip the mayo for the healthiest version.

Deli Counter
Choose a brown roll filled with lean meat, such chicken, turkey, lean roast beef and salad. Try not to buy ones with loads of mayonnaise, spreads or cheese. Instead go for avocado, mustards, goat’s cheese, cottage cheese or chutney and no butter.

All the rage at the moment, ask for a burrito bowl instead of a giant tortilla, and go easy on the refried beans, cheese and sour cream.

Photo Credit Via Photopin


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