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10 Easy Ways To Be Healthier

Tue Apr 12 2016

All to often, we’ve found ourselves idly Googling Ways To Be Healthier during our mid-afternoon sugar slump. So much so, that we decided to get our investigating cap on. Here are 10 Easy Ways (we promise) to be healthier this year.


Superfood Salad

Up Your Inner Colour Wheel
In order to maximise your antioxident intake, then be sure to eat a rainbow of vegetables every day. Concentrate on those that grow above the ground for energy without the calories, but be sure to eat a wide range of colours (red peppers, purple beetroots, green spinach) to be as vitamin-filled as possible.

Protein Will Fill You Up
Despite what most of us grew up believing, protein is the ultimate food when it comes to preserving energy. Not only does it help repair muscles after a heavy workout, but protein keeps us fuller for longer, and healthier to boot!

Fight Ailments With Your Spice Cupboard
From tumeric for inflamation and cancer fighting, to black pepper to boost the metabolism, there is a whole world of spice medicine out there for you to explore. Spicing your food correctly can be delicious and fortifying.

how to poach an egg

Perfect Poached Eggs


Never, Ever Skip Breakfast
Breakfast is your oppportunity to refuel your body after a long period of fasting. Load up on wholegrains and some protein (eggs and wholemeal toast is a perfect breakfast) to maximise your energy, and keep you full until lunch.

Cleanse Your Junk
On a day when you feel ready, attack your cupboards and throw out any food that is full of processed ingredients, sugars, sweeteners and Purge. Load up on homemade granola bars until the anti-sugar jitters have passed.

Get A Plan
If you don’t plan your meals, you will find yourself in trouble. Make a list of every meal you will eat for the next few days, and make sure that the ingredients to prepare them are within reach. And most importantly – don’t forget snacks!!

Cajun Salmon

Cajun Salmon

Get Omega 3
Proven to fight depression and fatigue, load up on omega 3 rich foods like chia seeds, flaxseed, walnuts, tuna and leafy greens.

Get Packed
Bring a packed lunch, every day. If you are in the car for an extended period of time (hello, school run), then bring a tupperware container with some apple slices and nut butter for a high energy, healthy snack.

Have One Meat-Free Day
Give your body a rest from all its work with a day that is heavy on veg, and without meat and preferably grains. This will give a chance for your body to reset itself, under the least amount of stress possible.

Nobody can be perfect everyday. The best and easiest way to be healthy is to be kind to yourself. If that means a slice of carrot cake every so often, then that’s what it takes.



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